Hi. My name is Heidi. But you probably already knew that.

I am a full-time wife, full-time mother, and full-time teacher. Although, most of the time I don’t feel like I’m full-time anything…except tired. But, you probably already knew that too.

coloradoWhen I started this blog, I was 26 years old. When I wrote First Time we had just returned from a 2 week trip which included going from the mountains of Colorado to the beaches of Texas in 24 hours. I titled my blog Never a Dull Moment because my husband and I live a busy life. And when I say busy, I mean rarely is there a moment when we aren’t out and about, or having people over to our house, or traveling. Sometimes I think about changing the title of it, but I can’t bring myself to do it. We are still constantly out and about. The only difference is now we have a daughter.

Ha. I make myself laugh.

“The only difference….” Yeah right. Within the past two years we have gotten pregnant, bought a house, and had a baby. We have experienced the joys of home-ownership. We have experienced pregnancy at it’s best, and at it’s worst. We have experienced the newborn stages of life and all the adjustments that occur. We have experienced the journey of breastfeeding and weaning. We are now currently experiencing the joys of toddler discipline. I have experienced being a teacher in a new lightmany times…in many different ways. Holy moly. I could talk for DAYS about this one.

But here it is. Post #100.cowboysready

I know many of my readers won’t care, or don’t care, about it being #100. But for me, it’s a big deal. It’s something to celebrate. Looking back over my posts, I can visually see (read) how much I’ve grown…and how much I’ve learned. And for THAT, I am thankful. I don’t know what this space has done for other people, but I know it has helped me…tremendously. People probably know more about me than they “should” but whatever. It’s funny how times change, and how quickly life can fly by if you let it.

So as a RECAP, here are my top 1o most successful posts:

  1. Day 14 – Now and Then
  2. Title-less Post About an Emotional Subject
  3. Honestly…
  4. 365 Days Ago
  5. STAAR Thoughts
  6. Addison’s Finished Room
  7. Three Years
  8. So…Many…Changes…
  9. Homework in it’s Entirety
  10. Buttoning Gone Wrong

Here’s to the next 100 posts. I hope they reflect growth and learning, and possibly encourage someone along the way.

Love to you all!