

Alright, I realize it’s been close to 3 months since my last blog. Sorry about that, but things have been crazy and quite frankly blogging hasn’t been the first thing on my mind.

These past couple days I’ve had time to think (because school has been out) and I could blog about so many things that have happened since my last entry. Everything from buying a house to being pregnant. From my new study in Proverbs to school ending for the semester. From the shooting in Conneticut to spending Christmas in New Mexico and Houston.

I don’t even know where to start, except that I am extremely thankful for so many things. Just to name a few…

1. A husband who is patient and loving and willing to help me grow in my walk with Christ.

2. The opportunity raise this child in the Lord, and love it with everything we have.

3. A house that is homey and dependable.

4. A loving and supportive family that we can share holidays with and build memories together.

5. A job that I actually enjoy. Sure it has it’s moments, but so does every job. As well as a supportive staff and wonderful coworkers that are more than that…they are extremely good friends of mine.

I have not even began to scratch the tip of the iceberg, but those are just to name a few. I plan on blogging more often… I miss it.

We are in New Mexico until Thursday, then we will drive to Houston until Saturday, and come home that night. Then! One full week of nothing. 🙂

Merry Christmas and tell the people you love that you love them.